Property facebook

When facebook is selected as platform in the share block, the facebook property is automatically created and prefilled with the ResponsiveEmail appid and redirect_uri, so you don't need to configure it by yourself. If you still want to use your personal appid or redirect_uri in the share block for facebook, you can configure the JSON. The property value should be a nested JSON object. The following table lists all its sub-properties:

Facebook sub-properties

Property Value Description
appid string The required ID of a Facebook app. By default, this field automatically gets the value of the ResponsiveEmail appid.
redirect_uri string The required URL to redirect to after a person clicks the app link on the dialog. By default, this field automatically gets the value of the ResponsiveEmail website.


The following input JSON shows a facebook basic usage in a share block:

    "from" : "",
    "subject" : "Email with a share block",
    "content" : {
        "blocks" : [ {
            "type"      : "share",
            "label"     : "Tell your friends about us!",
            "align"     : "left",
            "icon"      : {
                "type"      : "rounded",
                "size"      : 32
            "link"      : {
                "url"       : "",
                "title"     : "Post title"
            "description"   : "Optional prefilled text to share",
            "platforms" : ["facebook"],
            "facebook"  : {
                "appid"        :   "0123456789",
                "redirect_uri" :   ""
        } ]

For more information and more examples, please check the documentation of the share block.

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