Property font

The stype property font allows you to set font related properties, such as the font-size, color and font-family. The property value should be a nested JSON object. The following table lists all sub-properties that can be used inside this nested font block.

Font properties

Property Value Description
family string Equivalent to the CSS font-family property
size string Equivalent to the CSS font-size property
lineHeight string Equivalent to the CSS line-height property
color string Equivalent to the CSS color property
weight mixed Equivalent to the CSS font-weight property

Where to use?

The font property can be set in many different places inside the input JSON object. If you set it at the root of your JSON document, it will be used as the default font for all texts in your email. However, you can also use it inside a block when you want to use an alternative font for a specific piece of text.


Consider the following input JSON:

    "from" : "",
    "subject" : "Email with a default font, and a different font for a specific text",
    "font" : {
        "family" : "verdana,arial,helvetica",
        "size" : "12px",
        "lineHeight" : "18px",
        "color" : "red"
    "content" : {
        "blocks" : [{
            "type" : "text",
            "content" : "This paragraph uses the default font settings"
        }, {
            "type" : "text",
            "font" : {
                "family" : "courier new,courier",
                "size" : "10px",
                "lineHeight" : "14px",
                "color" : "black"
            "content" : "This paragraph uses a custom font"
        }, {
            "type" : "text",
            "content" : "This paragraph also uses the default font"

The example above shows a template with a top-level font setting that specifies the default font for all the texts in the template, and three text blocks. The second of the three blocks also has a font property, and will be displayed with a different font.

Nested property family

The font family is a comma separated list of font names. It is best to use web safe fonts, because your mail will be delivered to many different devices that may not have the exotic font installed that you would like to use.

    "font": {
        "family": "Arial, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, sans-serif"

Nested property size

The size property can be used to set the size of the font. If you leave it out, the system default will be used instead. The size property accepts a string. This means that you can use any type of unit (px, em, %, rem, pt, etcetera).

Property lineHeight

The space between two lines of text, which will set a CSS line-height property on the element. The lineHeight property accepts a string. This means that you can use any type of unit (px, em, %, rem, pt, etcetera).

Property color

The color of the text, equivalent to the CSS color property. Colors may be specified as an RGB triplet or in hexadecimal format. They may also be specified according to their common English names (e.g., 'red', 'PaleGoldenrod').

See also

The font property can be set as a top level property, but can also be used in various content blocks, like text blocks, link blocks and button blocks. Other style related properties are for example the property background and the css property.

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